Heather Hamtak of Limitless Development Fitness designs customized fitness programs for each of her clients based on their current goals. To learn more about Heather and the services she provides, visit the Health and Beauty section of the directory.
Zaneta Padilla with Z. Padilla Video Productions provides professional video production services for events or businesses. You can learn more about Zaneta and her business when you visit the Photography section of the directory.
Brittany Kneemiller encourages individuals to share their life's journey with Nomadés jewelry. Learn more about Brittany and Nomadés when you visit her listing in the Fashion section of the directory.
Allyson Quirk with by Allyson. Photography offers portrait and still life photography. You can learn more about Allyson and her business when you visit the Photography section of the directory.
Anise Brown has brought Usborne Books & More to the directory and provides Iheartbooks4kids (I ♥ books 4 kids), which wants to help provide the tools to help your infants, toddlers, children and youth read from any age. You can learn more about Anise and her business when you visit the Babies & Kids section of the directory.
Coming up this month is the IHBO meeting at 6 p.m. Sept. 14 in building 1209's community room. This is also the meeting where vendors for the Fall Home Business Expo need to turn in their applications and vendor fee. The next Iwakuni Home Business Expo will be 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 14th in the Club Iwakuni Ballroom. For more information about the meeting or expo, visit the IHBO Events page.